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Product Reliability

MExpert's MEMS fast steering mirrors possess aerospace-grade reliability

The performance of MExpert's MEMS fast steering mirrors have been certificated to possess aerospace-grade reliability through multiple experimental trials

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    Mechanical Testing

    The structural design combined with shock-resistant device packaging technology, achieves high mechanical reliability for the MMS225 series, meeting the requirements of aerospace-grade applications.

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    Life Time Testing

    The MEMS FSM has completed an accelerated cycle life test of over 400 days with more than 20 billion deflections, with all indicators of the device showed no degradation.

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    Irradiation Testing

    The MEMS fast steering mirrors have completed storage irradiation tests with a dose of 100 krad and powered irradiation tests with a dose of 30 krad.

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    Temperature Testing

    The key parameters of MEMS mirror, such as resonance frequency, rotation angle range, and deflection accuracy, exhibit full-temperature-range stability within the range of -40°C to +120°C.

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    Acceleration testing

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    Sine vibration testing

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    20 Grms

    Random vibration testing

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    Impact testing

Passed full-range
accelerated cycle life testing

415 days, and 20 billion cycles of testing, meeting the requirements for on-orbit lifetime

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  • 200

    billion cycles


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